Site Rules
Please read and follow the site rules below to keep everyone safe and happy at Focus.
Valid event wristbands must be worn around your wrist at all times whilst you are on site – they are the only way to get access into the venues. There is a charge to replace lost or broken wristbands. Please make sure under 18s are wearing the correct colour wristband.
After arrival, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car parks in order to comply with fire and safety regulations. Only emergency vehicles are allowed on site. You will be required to display a parking permit in your windscreen at all times. These will be provided in the weeks leading up to the Event.
No speeding. When arriving or leaving the site, please honour the 5mph speed limit. It may be painfully slow but it's important that we keep everyone safe. No driving lessons are allowed either.
Motorhome engines must not be operated while the vehicle is static.
Generators are not permitted on site. If you need a power supply, please speak to the team in the Info Hut. We offer a limited number of electric pitches, which are available for a fee. Follow here to book an electric pitch for the event.
Electric pitches can’t be shared between tents or caravans. Each tent or caravan requiring electricity will be subject to the £350 pitch fee which must be included at the time of booking.
Only guests aged 18 or over may purchase and drink alcohol from the site bar. You will need to show the bar staff valid ID.
Smoking is not permitted inside any of the buildings, marquees or individual tents and caravans.
Please be aware of the overhead power cables onsite. No flags or poles should be erected near them and no-one should be camping directly beneath them. Please stay away from the conveyor that runs around the outside of the site.
Sadly we are not able to allow any pets at Focus. The only animals allowed are guide dogs and assistance dogs registered with organisations recognised by Assistance Dogs UK.
Please be respectful of people's privacy by not taking photos or videos during ministry times.
Drones are not to be used on-site, except by the official Focus media team.
Electric scooters, electric bicycles, electric unicycles and electric skateboards will not be permitted anywhere onsite.
We politely request that attendees with COVID-19 do not to come onto site. If you develop and test positive for COVID-19 while at the event, we request that you leave site until you receive a consistent negative test result.
If you have any questions, please get in touch or visit us on site at the Info Hut.