Terms & Conditions
Dated 11 March 2025
FOCUS 2025
These Terms and Conditions apply to Revitalise Trust’s Focus 2025, to be held from Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th July 2025 at Newark Showground, Nottinghamshire (the ‘Event’).
All Tickets (as defined below) may be booked subject to availability and to these Terms and Conditions. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before booking any Tickets.
In these Terms and Conditions:
· ‘Accommodation Tickets’ means Camping Tickets and/or Electric Pitch Tickets, as the context admits.
· ‘Camping Ticket’ means any ticket(s) obtained from us permitting onsite camping within the designated camping area at the Event Venue.
· ‘Electric Pitch Ticket’ means any ticket(s) purchased from us permitting a tent, caravan or motorhome to be pitched on an electric pitch within the designated area of the Event Venue.
· ‘Event Ticket’ means any ticket(s) purchased from us to attend the Event, other than any Team Ticket.
· ‘Event Venue’ means Newark Showground, Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 2NY.
· ‘Full-Time Team Ticket’ means a ticket to attend the Event as a full-time team member.
· 'HTB' means Holy Trinity Brompton, a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 1133793) whose registered office is at Holy Trinity Brompton, Brompton Road, London SW7 1JA.
· 'Lead Booker' means an individual who completes a booking for Ticket(s), either on their own behalf or on behalf of a group.
· ‘Meal Deal’ means the optional meal deal available to those booking and securing a confirmed Team Ticket, at the price and as more fully described on the booking page.
· 'Part-Time Team Ticket' means a ticket to attend the Event as a part-time team member.
· ‘Pay-What-You-Can option’ means the option to choose the price of your Full-Time Team Ticket as set out on the booking page.
· ‘Price’ means the price of the Ticket indicated on the Event booking page and selected by you at the time we accept your booking or, in relation to Full-Time Team Tickets, the price you have selected to pay pursuant to the Pay-What-You-Can option.
· ‘Team Ticket’ means any ticket(s) to attend the Event as a member of a Team, including Full-Time Team Tickets and Part-Time Team Tickets.
· ‘Ticket’ refers to Event Tickets, Team Tickets and/or Accommodation Tickets as the context admits.
· 'UK Data Protection Legislation' means all applicable data protection and privacy legislation in force from time to time in the UK including the retained EU law version of the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (UK GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018 (and regulations made under it) or any successor legislation, and all other legislation and regulatory requirements in force from time to time which apply to a party relating to the use of personal data (including, without limitation, the privacy of electronic communications).
· a reference to 'we', 'us' and 'our' is a reference to Revitalise Trust (see clause 1.1);
· a reference to 'you' or 'your' is a reference to you (the leader booker and in the case of a group booking, where the context permits, anyone in their group) and anyone who in our reasonable opinion is acting with your authority or permission; and
· any words following the terms 'including', 'include', 'in particular', 'for example' or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms.
The overview below is provided to highlight key terms to you. It is not a substitute for reading the Terms and Conditions in full.
Booking & Tickets
Each booking must be completed online by a lead booker, either in respect of an individual Ticket or Tickets for a group.
Lead bookers must complete all of the guest details for each guest on their booking by 31st May 2025. Any guest whose details are not completed by that date will have their Tickets automatically cancelled with no refund of any amounts paid towards the cancelled Tickets.
With the exception of Team Tickets, any Ticket may be transferred to another person that complies with clause 5 (in the case of Accommodation Tickets provided they are transferred to the same person to whom the corresponding Event Ticket has been transferred), but the lead booker must either edit the booking accordingly or notify us by email to ‘focus@revitalisetrust.org’ with the name of the original attendee and the person who will attend and, where applicable, occupy the accommodation in their place.
Team Tickets cannot be transferred.
By making a booking, you confirm that you are aged 18 years or above. Team Tickets may not be purchased for anyone under the age of 18 years. Bookings for any other Tickets on behalf of those aged 17 years or under must be completed by their parent/guardian. Anyone aged 17 years or under must be accompanied by their parent/guardian or, with their parent’s consent, another responsible adult.
If you or anyone in your group booking has limited mobility, requires a wheelchair access seat, requires the use of a guide dog, hearing dog or other assistance animal, or has any other accessibility requirements, please notify us by email to ‘focus@revitalisetrust.org’ when booking.
The cost of each Ticket shall be the Price.
Event Tickets
Some Event Tickets at certain Prices may be made available in limited quantities on a first come, first served basis as indicated on the booking page.
Except where the booking page indicates that staggered payments are permitted for certain types of Event Tickets and you have chosen this option, payment must be completed in full by credit or debit card at the time of booking unless we agree other arrangements with the lead booker.
Where staggered payments for Event Tickets are permitted and you have chosen this option, you must make the staggered payments strictly on the dates indicated on the booking page. If you fail to make any staggered payment by the required date and it remains unpaid for seven calendar days after we have notified you of the failure to pay, we reserve the right at any time thereafter, but prior to receipt of the outstanding amount from you, to treat your booking as having been cancelled and to retain any staggered payments you have already made towards the cancelled Tickets (as a cancellation fee).
Accommodation Tickets
All Accommodation Tickets must be paid in full at the time they are booked.
Team Tickets
You may select the price of your Full-Time Team Ticket when you book using the Pay-What-You-Can option and the amount you select must be paid in full at the time of booking. Part-Time Team Tickets must be paid in full at the time of booking. Staggered payments are not available for Team Tickets. Booking a Team Ticket does not guarantee you a place on the team of your choice or on any other team. If we are not able to offer you a place on the team you have applied for, you may (i) apply to join another team (which is not guaranteed) or (ii) contact us at focus@revitalisetrust.org to request that we replace your Team Ticket with an Event Ticket, which we will do provided you pay for the Event Ticket in full (less any amount you have already paid towards your Team Ticket) or (iii) contact us at focus@revitalisetrust.org to request a refund, which will be paid within 14 days of your request. If you cancel your contract for the purchase of a Team Ticket in any other circumstances, a cancellation fee may be payable as set out in clause 8. You are only eligible for a Meal Deal if you book a Team Ticket and successfully secure a place on a team. If you have paid for a Meal Deal and do not secure a place on a team, we will refund the cost of your Meal Deal. Please see clause 8 for the cancellation terms relating to Meal Deals in any other circumstances.
All Tickets
Where we have agreed an alternative payment method with the lead booker, and their booking remains unpaid seven calendar days after it has been made, their booking will be cancelled immediately on written notice from us to the lead booker, to release those places to others who may wish to attend the Event.
Changes or Cancellation / Covid-19
Revitalise Trust reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or alter the Event (including the date, timings, programme, speakers, speaker line-up, other participants, format and any other aspects) if it cannot be operated, conducted or completed as planned and/or due to events or circumstances arising beyond Revitalise Trust’s control. Revitalise Trust will always try to minimise the effect to you in order to avoid disappointment and if we cancel or reschedule, lead bookers have the right to a refund or to opt to attend a rescheduled or substitute event in accordance with Clauses 6 and 7 below.
If you cancel your contract for the purchase of Tickets a cancellation fee may be payable as set out in clause 8.
Please note that we are unable to offer refunds for people who test positive for Covid-19 before or during the Event. Should you wish to cancel in these circumstances, our standard cancellation terms will apply as set out in clause 8.
Please note that in order to protect other attendees, volunteers and employees, anyone with serious infectious or contagious illness or disease, including Covid-19, may be asked to remain in their accommodation or requested to leave the Focus site. Please see further clause 11.1.
Filming & Photography
There will be official photographers and video crew on-site at the Event Venue. Revitalise Trust and HTB, as joint data controllers for the purposes described under Clause 12, will be taking photographs and film of the Event, including footage and images of attendees, for our and third-party legitimate interests, including promotional, ministry, commercial and internal purposes.
If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please collect a ‘no film’ wristband from the Information Hut on arrival and visibly wear it throughout the Event.
In relation to official photography and video filming within the designated children’s areas at the Event: (i) those who do not consent to being photographed or to any child in their booking being photographed should inform any of the kids groups’ leaders (ii) photography consent for guests under 18 years old will be captured within the booking page. Should you (or the child’s parents if you have booked for someone else’s child) prefer that any photographs of any child in your booking are not used, please amend your booking as necessary or write to focus@revitalisetrust.org in advance of the Event or speak to your kids/youth group leader at the Event.
Please note that no filming, photography, audio recording or other type of recording by you is permitted at the Event. See Clause 9.9 below.
Personal Data
Revitalise Trust (data controller) will use (a) the information you provide in your booking (including information relating to what church you attend, dietary requirements, allergies and accessibility requirements) (b) film and photographs of you at the Event, including whilst taking part in religious activities and (c) in relation to children and youth, information relating to their health, for the purpose of (i) processing your registration to attend the Event (ii) administering the Event (iii) sending you marketing emails if you have indicated you wish to receive them (iv) if you are volunteering to join a Team, assessing your suitability as a volunteer, allocating you a suitable volunteer role and best supporting you while you serve on a Team (v) ensuring that children and youth are provided with appropriate food when placed in kids and youth groups and, where required, first aid and medical treatment and (vi) advertising and promotion, and for any other purpose in connection with the promotion of the Event or future events, as described more fully in Clause 12. You can review Revitalise Trust's privacy policy here https://revitalisetrust.org/privacy-policy.
HTB (joint data controller) will collect your personal data and the personal data of any child in your booking, including film and photography whilst you and/or they are participating in the Event (including religious activities), as set out in Clause 12 below. HTB will use this personal data only for the purposes described in Clauses 12.5 to 12.7 below. You can review HTB’s privacy policy here https://htb.org/privacy.
In addition, Revitalise Trust will share your registration details, including names and contact information, with your Church for them to manage your booking. Please view your Church’s privacy policy for more details about how they handle your information. If you don't want your details to be shared with your Church or have any other question, please contact us at focus@revitalisetrust.org.
If you have applied to join the Bridge the Gap Youth team, Revitalise Trust will share the personal information you provide with Bridge the Gap Football (registered charity number 1188010 and company number CE020737 (England and Wales)). Please see their privacy policy here: https://bridgethegapfootball.org/privacy-policy
Prior to any transfer of personal data from the lead booker to us, the lead booker shall ensure that it has provided a copy of these Terms and Conditions to each person in their group and given all necessary notices to, and obtained any required consents from, each person in their group, to enable the lawful transfer of their personal data to us.
If you would like to know your data subject rights under the UK Data Protection Legislation, please see clause 13 below. If you wish to exercise any rights under the UK Data Protection Legislation, please email GDPR@revitalisetrust.org or GDPR@htb.org with your request. See also Clause 13 below.
Release of Liability
You agree to follow all reasonable instructions of Revitalise Trust, our staff, volunteers and other personnel during the Event.
In taking part in the Event, you assume all risks of taking part. Revitalise Trust accepts no liability for damage to, or loss of, personal belongings. See also Clauses 9.11 and 14 below.
1.1 We are Revitalise Trust, which is a working name of Church Revitalisation Trust, a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 1174882) and a private company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales (no. 10754427), whose registered office is at HTB Brompton Road, London SW7 1JA (‘Revitalise Trust’, ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’).
1.2 We operate the website ‘revitalisetrust.org’ and the Focus website (currently, focus.htb.org). You can contact us by telephoning 020 7052 0200 or by writing to us at ‘focus@revitalisetrust.org’.
2.1 These Terms and Conditions create a legal agreement between you and Revitalise Trust relating to your booking, attendance at, and participation in, the Event.
2.2 By booking Ticket(s) for the Event, you confirm that you are aged 18 years or above. Team Tickets may not be purchased for anyone under the age of 18 years. Bookings for any other Tickets on behalf of those aged 17 years or under must be completed by their parent/guardian. Please see further clause 9.8.
2.3 If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you should not book any Tickets. If you have any queries relating to these Terms and Conditions or think that there is a mistake in them, please contact us at ‘focus@revitalisetrust.org’.
2.4 The cost of each Ticket shall be the Price.
2.5 Some Event Tickets at certain Prices may be made available in limited quantities on a first come, first served basis as indicated on the booking page.
2.6 Except where the booking page indicates that staggered payments are permitted for certain types of Event Tickets and you have chosen this option, payment must be completed in full by credit or debit card at the time of booking unless we agree other arrangements with the lead booker. Where staggered payments for Event Tickets are permitted and you have chosen this option, you must make the staggered payments strictly on the dates indicated on the booking page.
If you fail to make any staggered payment by the required date and it remains unpaid for seven calendar days after we have notified you of the failure to pay, we reserve the right at any time thereafter but prior to receipt of the outstanding amount from you, to treat your booking as having been cancelled and to retain any staggered payments you have already made towards the cancelled Tickets (as a cancellation fee).
2.7 All Accommodation Tickets must be paid in full at the time they are booked.
2.8 You may select the price of your Full-Time Team Ticket when you book using the Pay-What-You-Can option and the amount you select must be paid in full at the time of booking. Part-Time Team Tickets must be paid in full at the time of booking. Staggered payments are not available for Team Tickets. See also clause 2.11 below.
2.9 If the lead booker for a group booking wishes to make payment by a payment method that is not available via the online booking system, they should contact Revitalise Trust directly to make such a request by email to ‘focus@revitalisetrust.org’. Such alternative payment method may be accepted or refused by us in our absolute discretion. Any such bookings which remain unpaid seven calendar days after they have been made will be cancelled immediately on written notice from us to the lead booker, to release those places to others who may wish to attend the Event.
2.10 A contract between us for the purchase of Tickets (in relation to Team Tickets, subject to clause 2.11 below) will only be formed on receipt by you of our booking confirmation email after you have completed the booking process and have paid for your booking in full (or, if you have chosen to pay for Event Tickets by way of staggered payments where this option is available, after you have completed the booking process and made your first staggered payment). Any subsequent changes to your booking that you seek to make will not be effective until you receive an email from us confirming the changes. If you have paid in full, the booking confirmation email we send you will constitute your Ticket(s) and you should bring this with you to the Event. If you do not receive a booking confirmation email after submitting payment information, or if you experience an error message or service interruption after submitting payment information, you should contact us at focus@revitalisetrust.org.
2.11 Booking a Team Ticket does not guarantee you a place on the team of your choice or on any other team. We will use the information you have provided in your booking, including contacting your referees, to assess whether the team role you have applied for is suitable. In addition, spaces on teams are limited. If we are not able to offer you a place on the team you have applied for, you may (i) apply to join another team (which is not guaranteed) or (ii) contact us at focus@revitalisetrust.org to request that we replace your Team Ticket with an Event Ticket, which we will do provided you pay for the Event Ticket in full (less any amount you have already paid towards your Team Ticket) or (iii) contact us at focus@revitalisetrust.org to request a refund, which will be paid within 14 days of your request. If you cancel your contract for the purchase of a Team Ticket in any other circumstances, a cancellation fee may be payable as set out in clause 8. You are only eligible for a Meal Deal if you book a Team Ticket and successfully secure a place on a team. If you have paid for a Meal Deal and do not secure a place on the team we will refund the cost of your Meal Deal.
2.12 If you are a consumer, you have legal rights in relation to the purchase of Tickets. Advice about your legal rights is available from your local Citizens’ Advice Bureau or Trading Standards Office. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will affect these legal rights.
2.13 If you are not a consumer, you confirm that you have authority to bind any business on whose behalf you purchase Tickets.
2.14 Focus is the annual teaching holiday for members of the HTB network of churches, invited guests of Revitalise Trust and Alpha International, and other invited friends.
Please note: you must complete all of the guest details for each guest on your booking by 31st May 2025. Any guest whose details are not completed by that date will have their Tickets automatically cancelled without refund of any amount already paid towards the cancelled Tickets.
3.1 The cost of each Ticket shall be the Price.
3.2 Prices for Tickets may change from time to time, but changes will not affect a contract for the purchase of Tickets already entered into.
3.3 We use our best efforts to ensure that the Prices of Tickets are correct at the time the relevant information was entered onto the system. However, it is always possible that, despite our reasonable efforts, some of the Tickets on our sites may be incorrectly priced or may have sold out. If we discover an error in the Price of the Ticket(s) you have booked or that the Ticket(s) you have tried to book are sold out, we will inform you of this error and we will give you the option of (i) continuing to purchase the Ticket at the correct price or purchasing the Ticket(s) at a different price (as applicable) or (ii) cancelling your order. We will not process your booking until we have your instructions, or if we have inadvertently processed your booking in these circumstances, we will arrange a refund. If we are unable to contact you using the contact details you provided during the order process, we will treat the booking as cancelled and notify you in writing. Please note that if the pricing error is obvious and unmistakeable and could have reasonably been recognised by you as a mispricing, we do not have to provide the Tickets to you at the incorrect, lower price.
3.4 In order to secure a confirmed booking for Focus 2025 (subject, in relation to Team Tickets, to clause 2.11) lead bookers must complete all of the stages of the booking process. No part of the booking process constitutes a contractual offer on our part capable of acceptance by you. Your order constitutes a contractual offer that we may, at our sole discretion, accept. Our acceptance is indicated by us sending you a booking confirmation by email. The stages of the booking process are as set out below:
3.4.1 Select Ticket.
3.4.2 If you are booking an Event Ticket for which there is a staggered payment option, select whether you wish to pay in full or pay the full ticket Price by way of staggered payments as indicated on the booking form.
3.4.3 If applicable, indicate whether you wish your child to attend a kids or youth group. If you do not indicate this, it may be possible to place them into a kids or youth group at a later date on request if places are still available. Students, The Hub and Our Space places must be selected at the time of booking.
3.4.4 Complete all other required information on the booking form, submit the booking form and make payment.
3.5 All of the guest details for each guest on your booking must be completed by 31st May 2025. Any guest whose details are not completed by that date will have their Tickets automatically cancelled without refund of any amounts already paid towards the cancelled Tickets.
3.6 Revitalise Trust reserves the right to reject a booking for any reason and/or terminate the contract between us and any lead booker in respect of any attendee where we determine in our absolute discretion that it is inappropriate for that attendee to attend the Event, including where we are not satisfied that an attendee meets the criteria set out in Clause 2.14 above.
3.7 Booking a Team Ticket does not guarantee you a place on the team of your choice or on any other team. Please see clause 2.11.
4.1 If we accept the booking (subject, in relation to Team Tickets, to clause 2.11), a booking confirmation email will be sent to the lead booker to the email address they stipulate on their booking promptly on completion of full payment for their booking (or if a staggered payment option is available, on completion of the first staggered payment), unless there is an Event Outside Our Control (defined in Clause 7.5). If an Event Outside Our Control delays delivery of your booking confirmation email, we will send it as soon as reasonably practicable. The booking confirmation email constitutes your Ticket (subject, in relation to Team Tickets, to clause 2.11) and you should bring a printed copy and/or a copy on your mobile phone with you to the Event. If the booking confirmation email is lost, the lead booker may log into their booking to reprint it. In relation to Team Tickets, please see clause 2.11.
4.2 Entry to Focus 2025 is by booking confirmation email and wristband only (both are necessary). Wristbands will be given to attendees whose Tickets have been paid for in full on arrival at the Event on production of their booking confirmation email (subject, in relation to Team Tickets, to clause 2.11), unless there is an Event Outside Our Control (defined in clause 7.5), in which case we will contact you with an alternative arrangement. Once the wristbands have been provided, they are the attendee’s responsibility. Wristbands must be worn at all times during the Event. For further information on wristbands, please see Clause 9.1. In relation to Team Tickets, please see clause 2.11.
5.1 If the lead booker, or in the case of group bookings any member of the group, can no longer attend the Event and wishes to pass their Event Ticket and (if applicable) Accommodation Ticket to someone else who complies with Clause 2.14, they can do so (in the case of Accommodation Tickets, provided that they are transferred to the same person to whom the corresponding Event Ticket is being transferred), but the lead booker must either edit their booking accordingly or notify Revitalise Trust by email to focus@revitalisetrust.org with the name of the original attendee and the person who will attend, and (if applicable) occupy the accommodation in their place. The lead booker remains responsible for any outstanding payment and will remain the point of contact. There is no fee to transfer an Event Ticket and Accommodation Ticket to another individual in accordance with this clause if you can no longer attend, however, you should ensure that such individual is provided with a copy of and agrees with these Terms and Conditions prior to transferring.
5.2 Team Tickets cannot be transferred.
5.3 Camping, Caravans and Motorhomes
5.3.1 Camping Lead bookers must, at the time of booking their Event Tickets or Team Tickets, book one Camping Ticket or Electric Pitch Ticket per tent for themselves and any attendees in their group if they wish to camp at the Event Venue. The cost of Camping Tickets and Electric Pitch Tickets are as stated from time to time on the Event website. Tents may only be pitched in the designated space allocated to the attendee by the Focus Site Planner representing the lead booker’s church. Please see clause 5.3.3 for further information about Electric Pitches.
5.3.2 Caravans and Motorhomes Lead bookers must, at the time of booking their Event Tickets or Team Tickets, book one Electric Pitch Ticket per vehicle for themselves and any attendees in their group if they wish to bring or hire from a third party a caravan or motorhome onsite at the Event Venue. The cost of the Electric Pitch Tickets are as stated on the Event website from time to time. Caravans and motorhomes may only be pitched on the designated space allocated to the attendee by us or the Focus Site Planner representing the lead booker’s church. Should the attendee wish their designated space to be within the camping area, they should notify us at the time of booking and (except in the case of Electric Pitches, as to which see Clause 5.3.3) we will do our best to accommodate their request but cannot guarantee it. Please note that any hired caravans and motorhomes are provided by third party suppliers and we cannot be held liable for, or assist with queries or issues relating to, the quality of facilities and/or services provided by such suppliers. Please see Clause 5.3.3 for further information on Electric Pitches.
5.3.3 Electric Pitches There will be designated Electric Pitches located around the Event Venue, but attendees should note that we cannot guarantee that they will be located in the general designated camping areas. Electric Pitches come with a single 16-amp power supply. Site electricity will be supplied from generators and we do not accept any responsibility for continuous supply nor for the consequences of fluctuations in voltage including damage to equipment. Each Electric Pitch only provides sufficient space for a single caravan or motorhome (with awning if it forms an integral part of the caravan/motorhome). The allocated space is designed to provide a safe distance between pitches and attendees are therefore not permitted to use the space for additional tents or to park vehicles. If attendees would like to pitch a tent next to a caravan/motorhome on an Electric Pitch, they must book an additional Electric Pitch for this purpose. This may be booked via the Event website or, should you wish to purchase an additional Electric Pitch without an electricity supply at reduced/non-electric rate for the purpose of pitching a tent next to an Electric Pitch, please email us directly at focus@revitalisetrust.org for further details and to confirm availability. Please note that if you book an additional Electric Pitch with no electricity supply for this purpose, no attempt may be made to use a second electrical supply and should electricity be drawn, we reserve the right to apply the full cost for that Electric Pitch. Please note that for health and safety reasons attendees may not bring generators on-site at the Event Venue under any circumstances.
5.3.4 Accommodation Tickets do not include access to the Event and Event Tickets or Team Tickets will need to be booked separately.
5.4 Vehicles
5.4.1 Immediately following arrival and unloading, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car parks and will not be permitted to re-enter the Event Venue or campsite under any circumstances until 3.30pm on Sunday 27th July 2025, when they may enter the site for loading purposes and immediate exit from the site.
5.4.2 Parking permits must be prominently displayed at all times whilst vehicles are in the designated car parks.
5.4.3 All vehicles parked at the Event Venue, including in the designated car parks, are parked at the owner's risk. Revitalise Trust shall not be held liable for any loss, theft, or damage to vehicles or their contents, howsoever caused, while parked at the Event Venue. Vehicle owners are advised to take appropriate precautions to secure and insure their vehicles and belongings.
Changes to the Venue
6.1 Revitalise Trust reserves the right to change the location of the Event to another venue or venues (whereupon such other venue or venues shall become the ‘Venue’ for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions), and to deliver the Event at such alternative venue or venues live ‘in-person’ and/or via other methods of delivery such as broadcast, live-streaming and/or any other digital means if:
6.1.1 in our absolute discretion we consider this necessary or desirable in the circumstances including any government, local authority, public authority or administrative decision, guidelines, law, regulation, action, restriction, recommendation, or advice given for health and safety reasons relating to events, gatherings or any other matter, including in relation to any pandemic, epidemic, Covid-19 or other serious communicable disease; or
6.1.2 the Event Venue becomes, or in our absolute discretion there exists a real likelihood or threat of the Event Venue becoming, unavailable or unfit for our use due to an Event Outside Our Control (as defined in Clause 7.5); or
6.1.3 the owner or manager of the Event Venue cancels, terminates, restricts or suspends our use of the Event Venue and/or requires evacuation of the Event Venue.
6.2 In the event that the whole or any part of the Event is streamed to another venue or venues in accordance with Clause 6.1, whilst we will endeavour to provide constant, uninterrupted streaming, the image and sound quality of the streamed content may vary and the streaming may not be uninterrupted, timely or error-free. We do not accept any responsibility for technical issues and errors of this nature. We reserve the right to change the programme, omit sections of the content and vary the programme timings in our absolute discretion if we believe this is necessary due to technological or timing issues.
Changes to the Programme
6.3 The Event programme will be publicised on the Focus website or app in advance of the Event but we reserve the right to amend the Event timings, programme, speakers, speaker line-up, other participants, format and any other aspects. As far as reasonably possible, we will give notice of any such changes on the Focus website or app, but we do not guarantee any individuals or content will form part of the Event programme and are unable to offer refunds in relation to such changes.
7.1 Revitalise Trust reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, alter or change the Event, the Event Venue, the programme and/or these Terms and Conditions before or during the Event:
7.1.1 if in our sole discretion it cannot be operated, conducted or completed as planned for any reason including reasons related to any Church of England guidance, any government, local authority, public authority or administrative decision, guidelines, law, regulation, action, restriction, recommendation or advice given for health and safety reasons relating to events, gatherings or any other matter, including in relation to any pandemic, epidemic, Covid-19, any other serious communicable disease, or any other reasons related to the safety of our guests, visitors, staff and/or volunteers;
7.1.2 due to unavailability of speakers;
7.1.3 due to insufficient numbers of attendees;
7.1.4 if the owner or manager of the venue(s) exercises any right to cancel, terminate, restrict or suspend Revitalise Trust’s use of the venue(s) for the Event and/or requires evacuation of the Event Venue; and/or
7.1.5 if there is any Event Outside Our Control affecting the performance of our obligations or the running of an Event.
7.2 We will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you of any cancellation or rescheduling, but we regret that advance notice may not always be possible.
7.3 On cancellation or rescheduling of the Event, Revitalise Trust (in its sole discretion) may (but is not obliged to) offer you tickets to a substitute or rescheduled event or a credit for a future event organised by us (up to the value of sums paid by you in respect of Tickets for the Event) as an alternative to receiving a refund, or you may opt to instead receive a refund. Where tickets to a substitute or rescheduled event or a credit for a future event are available, you will be notified and given not less than 30 days from the date of notice of cancellation of the Event in which to confirm your preference. In the absence of a response within such period, Revitalise Trust will provide you with tickets to a substitute or rescheduled event or a credit for a future event organised by us. Refunds will be paid (i) within 14 days beginning on the date on which you confirm to Revitalise Trust you wish to receive a refund if Revitalise Trust offers tickets to a substitute or rescheduled event, or (ii) within 14 days of Revitalise Trust notifying you of cancellation if there is no substitute or rescheduled event offered. Where you receive a credit in accordance with this Clause 7.3, such credit must be used by you to book a delegate place at an event held by us within 18 months from the date of issue of the credit. Any credits not used within this 18 month period will expire.
7.4 Revitalise Trust’s liability for cancellation or rescheduling or failure to deliver the Event shall be limited to providing tickets to a substitute or rescheduled event or a credit for a future event organised by us or providing a refund in accordance with Clause 7.3 and neither Revitalise Trust nor the owner/manager of the Event Venue shall have further liability to any attendee or to the lead booker in relation to any other costs or expenses, including the costs of any travel, accommodation booked through a third party or any other arrangements made in connection with the Event.
7.5 ‘Event Outside Our Control’ means any circumstance, act or event beyond our reasonable control or the reasonable control of the owner/manager of the Event Venue, including power failure or interruption, internet service provider failure or interruption, labour disputes, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties, civil war, civil commotion, riot, invasion, Royal mourning, national mourning, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, breaking off of diplomatic relations, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, pandemic, epidemic, Covid-19, other serious communicable disease or other natural disaster, nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom, any law, regulation or action taken by a government or public authority, unavailability or unfitness for use of the Event Venue, failure or interruption of public or private telecommunications networks or utility services, or impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport.
8.1 If you wish to cancel a contract for the purchase of any Ticket, you may do so subject to forfeiture of any non-refundable deposit you have paid and the following cancellation fees (‘Cancellation Fees’):
8.1.1 For cancellations made before 1st March 2025 a cancellation fee comprising £50 per person will be charged (or in the case of holders of Full-Time Team Tickets, if the Price they have paid is less than £50, the full Price of their Ticket(s)), after which the remaining balance of the monies paid will be refunded to you; and
8.1.2 For cancellations made in the period from 1st March 2025 to 31st March 2025 (inclusive), a cancellation fee comprising (i) £50 per person (or in the case of holders of Full-Time Team Tickets, if the Price they have paid is less than £50, the full Price of their Ticket(s)) and (ii) 50% of the remaining balance of the monies paid for each person will be charged, after which the remaining balance of the monies paid will be refunded to you; and
8.1.3 For cancellations made after 31st March 2025, a cancellation fee comprising 100% of the monies paid for each person will be charged and no monies will be refunded to you.
8.2 If you cancel a Team Ticket having paid for a corresponding Meal Deal, subject to payment of the Cancellation Fee, we will refund the cost of the Meal Deal. In any other circumstances, you may cancel and request a refund of your Meal Deal at any time prior to the first day of the Event.
8.3 No fee is applicable for transfers of Tickets (Team Tickets may not be transferred) to another individual known to you in accordance with Clause 5 if you can no longer attend, but you will remain responsible for any outstanding payment and will remain our point of contact. With the exception of Team Tickets which may not be transferred, we would encourage you to transfer your Ticket in this way to avoid paying the cancellation fees detailed above.
8.4 To cancel a contract for the purchase of Tickets under this Clause 8, please email us at focus@revitalisetrust.org. Your cancellation is effective from the date you sent us the email.
9.1 Entry to Event.
9.1.1 Entry to Focus 2025 is by wristband only. Wristbands will only be provided to attendees on arrival at the Event, provided their Tickets have been paid for in full (and in relation to Team Ticket holders, their place on a team has been confirmed by us). It is vital that attendees wear their wristband throughout the Event. Attendees without wristbands will not be granted entry to any venues at the Event and will need to request a replacement wristband from the Focus Office. A charge will be incurred to replace lost wristbands.
9.1.2 Any attendees discovered on-site without a booking will need to purchase the relevant Event Ticket and pay in full. If this is not possible, and/or if they do not comply with clause 2.14, they may be asked to leave. Please note that only the attendees listed on a completed booking for an on-site accommodation unit may occupy the accommodation. If any other person/persons are found in occupation, they will be asked to leave the site immediately and no refunds will be given.
9.2 Venue.
9.2.1 Attendees agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the applicable Event Venue which are notified to the attendees.
9.2.2 Attendees agree to follow all reasonable instructions of the organisers, Revitalise Trust and Event Venue staff and personnel during the Event.
9.2.3 Revitalise Trust reserves the right to refuse admission to the Event Venue, or at any time to remove any person from the Event Venue or require individuals to leave the Event Venue permanently, in each case without compensation or refund, (i) for reasons of public safety (ii) for unacceptable or anti-social behaviour by those individuals, by persons named on their booking or by their guests, which in the sole discretion of Revitalise Trust is likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury, or impair the enjoyment, comfort or health of other attendees and/or (iii) for any breach of these Terms and Conditions and/or the terms and conditions of the applicable Event Venue. Revitalise Trust reserves the right to escort any individual off the Event Venue.
9.2.4 Attendees must take care when walking around the Event Venue and stick to the pathways which have been put in place to ensure attendees can safely navigate around the Event Venue.
9.3 Site Rules.
9.3.1 Attendees must familiarise themselves and comply with the Focus Site Rules, as updated from time to time, which are available on the Focus website and/or app.
9.4 Big Top.
9.4.1 For Health & Safety reasons buggies are only allowed in marked areas of the Big Top.
9.4.2 Attendees need to comply with any instructions or requests made by the Focus team to ensure all Big Top exits are kept clear, and space is maximised, thus ensuring the safety of all attendees.
9.4.3 We do not allocate seating within the Big Top and cannot grant any specific seating requests, such as a request for allocation to a particular seat or for a group to be allocated to a particular area.
9.4.4 Bright and flashing lights may be used throughout the Event including in the Big Top. This will be clearly marked by notices.
9.5 Minor Alterations.
9.5.1 Every care is taken to ensure that all the information provided on the Focus website is accurate. Attendees will be informed of any material changes to the programme via the Focus website and if possible, on arrival at the Event. Please see Clause 6.3 regarding changes to the Event Programme.
9.5.2 Alterations such as the withdrawal of certain amenities, facilities, activities and entertainment may be made by Revitalise Trust for reasons beyond our control without any obligation or liability.
9.6 Wheelchair users and special needs. Wheelchair users and carers/guests should email us at focus@revitalisetrust.org to stipulate the need for a wheelchair access seat. If any attendee has any other accessibility requirements, or needs to bring a guide dog, dog for the deaf or another trained assistance animal on-site, please also notify us by email at ‘focus@revitalisetrust.org’.
9.7 Foreign language and BSL interpretation. No foreign language interpretation is provided as part of the Event. If any attendee requires BSL interpretation, please notify us by emailing us at ‘focus@revitalisetrust.org’.
9.8 Children and Youth: attendance and medical treatment.
9.8.1 All attendees under the age of 18 must be accompanied by their parent/guardian or another responsible adult with their parent’s/guardian’s consent and authorisation to act and make decisions in the place of the parent/guardian during Focus.
9.8.2 All children and youth remain the responsibility of their accompanying adult, except when they are with their youth leaders or age-group leaders.
9.8.3 Whilst children and youth are in their kids or youth groups, you agree that Revitalise Trust may arrange for them to be provided with first aid treatment if necessary. When booking your Tickets, you will be asked to confirm whether you consent to the child receiving emergency medical treatment where necessary and to authorise any member of the first aid or event management team to sign any written hospital consent forms on your behalf if a doctor advises that a delay in obtaining your signature may result in harm or damage to your child. If you are booking a Ticket on behalf of someone else’s child, you give that confirmation and authorisation on behalf of and with the consent of the child’s parent/guardian. If you (or if you are booking a Ticket on behalf of someone else’s child, they) do not wish to consent, please contact focus@revitalisetrust.org before booking your tickets.
9.8.4 You (and if you are booking an Event Ticket on behalf of someone else’s child, their parent/guardian) will receive further information relating to the child’s attendance at Focus from Focus Kids prior to the Event.
9.9 Restrictions on filming and photography. No filming, videoing, photography or audio recording of Event content by attendees is permitted at the Event. Attendees are not permitted to upload Event content to any website, social media or any other digital or physical media during or after the Event.
9.10 Content.
9.10.1 All rights in all talks, interviews, presentations, seminars, break-out sessions, documentation and materials published or otherwise made available as part of the Event (including any audio or audio-visual recording of the Event) (‘Content’) is owned by Revitalise Trust or is included with the permission of the owner of the rights.
9.10.2 Save as expressly permitted by Revitalise Trust in writing, you shall not record, distribute, reproduce, modify, store, transfer, commercially exploit or in any other way use any of the Content.
9.10.3 The views expressed by the Focus 2025 speakers and contributors are their own and they do not necessarily represent Revitalise Trust’s official views or opinion. Suggestions or advice contained in the Content should not be relied upon in place of professional or other advice. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage sustained as a result of you following the suggestions or any advice that may be provided.
9.10.4 Whilst we take reasonable care to ensure that the Content created by us is accurate and complete, some of it is supplied by third parties and we are unable to check its accuracy or completeness. We make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the Content is reliable, accurate, complete or up-to-date.
9.11 Responsibility for personal belongings. Event attendees should always keep their personal belongings with them and we accept no liability for damage to, or loss of, personal belongings. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss (including theft) of any property while on our premises or at Event Venue.
9.12 Pets. Attendees are not allowed to bring pets or other animals on-site, except for guide dogs for the blind, dogs for the deaf and other trained assistance animals. Please contact focus@revitalisetrust.org at the time of booking should you need to bring a guide dog, dog for the deaf or another trained assistance animal on-site. Attendees bringing pets onsite without permission will be asked to remove them immediately.
9.13 Food and drink. No food or drinks are included in the cost of the Event Ticket. When booking a Team Ticket, you may choose to purchase a Meal Deal. You are only eligible for a Meal Deal if you book a Team Ticket and successfully secure a place on a team. If you have paid for a Meal Deal and do not secure a place on a team, we will refund the cost of your Meal Deal. Please see clause 8 for the cancellation terms relating to Meal Deals in any other circumstances.
9.14 Smoking. All inside venues and accommodation at the Event are strictly non-smoking. Smokers over the age of 18 may smoke outside.
9.15 Drugs. Revitalise Trust has a zero-tolerance policy on drugs. Anyone found in possession of illegal substances will be sent home immediately without any refund and may be prevented from attending future events.
9.16 Generators. In order to comply with Health & Safety regulations, attendees may not bring generators on site at the Event Venue in any circumstances.
9.17 Entry to seminars. Seminar registration will not be required before the Event. Entry to the seminar venues will be on a first come, first served basis. Please arrive early to avoid disappointment.
9.18 Security checks. Revitalise Trust and the owner/manager of the Event Venue reserve the right to request additional identification from all attendees to be shown at the time of presenting Event Tickets and/or Team Tickets at the entrance to the Event Venue.
10.1 All attendees agree to indemnify Revitalise Trust against any damage or loss that is caused by their negligence.
11.1 Attendees must inform the Duty Manager on-site of any serious illnesses or disease during their stay that may affect other attendees, including Covid-19. To protect other attendees, volunteers and employees, anyone with serious infectious or contagious illness or disease, including Covid-19, may be asked to remain in their accommodation or requested to leave the Focus site.
11.2 We are unable to offer refunds for people who test positive for Covid-19 before or during the Event. Should you wish to cancel in these circumstances, our standard cancellation terms will apply as set out in clause 8.
12.1 Revitalise Trust and HTB may photograph and/or film you and/or your child/children before, during and after your attendance at and/or participation in the Event and related activities (‘Recordings’).
12.2 If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please collect a ‘no film’ wristband from the Information Hut on arrival and visibly wear it throughout the Event. If you do not wish for your child/children to be filmed, please see Clause 12.4 below.
12.3 There will be a demarcated ‘no film’ zone in the Big Top, which you should use if you prefer not to be photographed or videoed. If your consent to being photographed or videoed is required, you will be asked to complete a photography and video consent form.
12.4 The following shall apply to official photography and video filming within the designated children’s areas at the Event: (i) those who do not consent to being photographed/filmed or to a child included in their booking being photographed/filmed should speak to any of the kids groups’ leaders to ensure the child won’t be captured (ii) photography/filming consent for guests under 18 years old has been captured within the booking page; should you prefer that any photographs/footage of a child in your booking are not used, please amend your booking as necessary or write to focus@revitalisetrust.org in advance of the Event or speak to the kids/youth group leader at the Event.
12.5 Revitalise Trust and HTB will use, for the maximum time allowed by applicable law, throughout the world and without any compensation, any Recording of you in any media, for the purpose of advertising, promotion, or any other commercial or ministry purpose, in connection with the promotion of the Event or future events, in Revitalise Trust and HTB campaigns, and/or for other Revitalise Trust and HTB promotional activities. You also grant us permission to display your image during the Event and for the same purposes as any Recording.
12.6 Without limiting the foregoing, Recordings taken at the Event may be globally either alone or in combination with other material by us and/or our Related Parties: (i) in all forms of marketing and communications in print and online, including for example, on our websites, on online platforms, social media channels, television and radio broadcast and forms of physical advertising such as buses, trams and billboards; (ii) in television, radio broadcasts and podcasts; (iii) in-person, online and livestream events, such as conferences, public events, church meetings, and services and, if applicable, at the Event venue; (iv) as a downloadable asset (for example courses, shareable social media graphics, email invitations and promo videos).
12.7 In this Clause 12, ‘Related Parties’ means: (i) Holy Trinity Brompton, a charity registered in England and Wales (charity number 1133793) (joint data controller), Alpha International, a charity registered in England and Wales (charity number 1086179) and in Scotland (no. SC042906) and a private company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales (no. 4157379) (‘AI’) and St Paul’s Theological Centre, a charity registered in England and Wales (charity number 1111609) (together with us, the ‘HTB Group’); (ii) HTB Group staff and HTB clergy; (iii) current and future churches and clergy within the HTB network (https://revitalisetrust.org/plants-and-revitalisations) (iv) churches and organisations throughout the UK and worldwide attending or intending to attend Focus 2025 and future Focus events (v) Event speakers, contributors and their teams and the Event venue owner/manager; (vi) volunteer/freelance photographers, videographers, content creators, production companies and networks working with us on the Event (vii) St Luke’s Redcliffe Gardens, a charity registered in England and Wales (charity number 1130681) (viii) St Mellitus College, a charity registered in England and Wales (charity number 1094157) and (ix) Bridge the Gap Football, a charity registered in England and Wales (charity number 1188010).
13.1 Revitalise Trust (data controller) will use (a) the information you provide in your booking (including information relating to what church you attend, dietary requirements, allergies and accessibility requirements) (b) film and photography of you, including whilst taking part in religious activities and (c) in relation to children and youth information relating to their health, for the purpose of (i) processing your registration to attend the Event (ii) administering the Event (iii) if you are volunteering to join a Team, assessing your suitability as a volunteer, allocating you a suitable volunteer role and best supporting you while you serve on the Team (iv) ensuring that children and youth are provided with appropriate food when placed in kids and youth groups and, where required, first aid and medical treatment and (v) advertising and promotion, and for any other purpose in connection with the promotion of the Event or future events, as described more fully in Clause 12. You can review Revitalise Trust's privacy policy here https://revitalisetrust.org/privacy-policy.
13.2 HTB (joint data controller) will collect your personal data and the personal data of any child in your booking, including film and photography whilst you and/or they are participating in the Event (including religious activities), in accordance with Clause 12. HTB will use this personal data only for the purposes described under Clauses 12.5 to 12.7 above. You can review HTB’s privacy policy here https://www.htb.org/privacy-policy.
13.3 In addition, Revitalise Trust will share your registration details with your Church, including names and contact information, for them to manage your booking. Please view your Church’s privacy policy for more details about how they handle your information. If you don't want your details to be shared with your Church or have any other question, please contact us at focus@revitalisetrust.org.
13.4 If you have applied to join the Bridge the Gap Youth team, we will share the personal information you provide with Bridge the Gap Football (registered charity number 1188010 and company number CE020737 (England and Wales)). Please see their privacy policy here: https://bridgethegapfootball.org/privacy-policy
13.5 To the extent that you have indicated that you are happy for Revitalise Trust to do so by ticking the relevant consent box on the Event booking page, Revitalise Trust will use your details (i) to provide you with advance notice about Focus 2026 and to keep you updated about future Focus events; and/or (ii) to keep you up to date with our church planting news and updates.
13.6 In respect of group bookings, the lead booker is responsible for everyone in their group. In agreeing to these Terms and Conditions the lead booker confirms that, prior to booking, they have provided these Terms and Conditions to everyone in their group and obtained authorisation from each person within their group (or in the case of children within their booking that are not their own, the parent/guardian of the child/children) to provide their details to us as set out in clause 13.1 above. Prior to any transfer of personal data from the lead booker to us, the lead booker shall ensure that it has given all necessary notices to, and obtained any required consents from, each person in their group, to enable the lawful transfer of their personal data to us.
13.7 As a data subject, you can exercise any of the following rights at any time and at no cost except in circumstances where the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, in which case we will charge a reasonable fee for the administrative costs of complying with your request:
13.7.1 the right to be informed on how we process your personal data;
13.7.2 the right of access to your personal data;
13.7.3 the right to rectification of your personal data;
13.7.4 the right to erasure of your personal data;
13.7.5 the right to restrict the processing of your personal data;
13.7.6 the right to data portability;
13.7.7 the right to object to the processing of your personal data; and
13.7.8 rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.
13.8 If you wish to exercise any rights under the UK Data Protection Legislation, please email GDPR@revitalisetrust.org with your request.
13.9 We shall not retain personal and special category data relating to you and any child/children in your booking for longer than necessary in connection with our purposes of processing.
13.10 HTB and Revitalise Trust will store the identity data relating to you and any child/children in your booking, which includes your registration data and film and photography data, for a period of one (1) year and five (5) years respectively from the date of the Event, after which we will destroy this information.
13.11 We will store your financial data for a period of seven (7) years as required under our accounting and/or reporting obligations after which we will destroy this information.
14.1 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions limit or exclude our liability for:
14.1.1 death or personal injury caused by our negligence;
14.1.2 fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
14.1.3 any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for us to exclude or restrict liability.
14.2 To the maximum extent permitted by law and subject to Clause 14.1, we will under no circumstances whatsoever be liable to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions for:
14.2.1 death or personal injury (including the transmission of COVID-19 or other serious communicable disease);
14.2.2 damage to, loss or theft of your personal belongings or property;
14.2.3 any cancellation, alteration or rescheduling of Focus 2025 or the programme;
14.2.4 any use of or reliance on any Content within Focus 2025;
14.2.5 any loss of profits, sales, business, or revenue;
14.2.6 loss or corruption of data, information or software;
14.2.7 loss of business opportunity;
14.2.8 loss of anticipated savings;
14.2.9 loss of goodwill; or
14.2.10 any indirect or consequential loss.
14.3 To the maximum extent permitted by law, subject to Clause 14.1 and Clause 14.2, our total liability to you in respect of all other losses arising under or in connection with the contract for the purchase of Tickets and delivery of the Event, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall in no circumstances exceed the Price of the Tickets paid by you.
14.4 Except as expressly stated in these Terms and Conditions, we do not give any representation, warranties or undertakings in relation to the Tickets and the Event. Any representation, condition or warranty which might be implied or incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by statute, common law or otherwise is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
14.5 For the avoidance of doubt, attendees acknowledge that personal arrangements and expenditure, including travel, accommodation and other costs and expenses relating to the Event are incurred at attendees’ own risk, and Revitalise Trust shall not be liable to attendees for any wasted or unrecoverable costs or expenditure in relation to such arrangements, even if arising in relation to the cancellation or rescheduling or changes to the Event.
15.1 When these Terms and Conditions refer to ‘in writing’, this will include email.
15.2 If you are a consumer:
15.2.1 if we have to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us in your order;
15.2.2 to cancel a contract for the purchase of Tickets in accordance with our cancellation policy set out in Clause 8, you should contact us in writing by sending an email to focus@revitalisetrust.org. You may wish to keep a copy of your cancellation notification for your own records. If you send us your cancellation notice by email or by post, then your cancellation is effective from the date you sent us the email or posted the letter to us;
15.2.3 If you wish to contact us in writing for any other reason, you can send this to Revitalise Trust by emailing reception@htb.org.
15.3 If we have to contact you or give you notice in writing, we will do so by email to the address you provide to us in your order. The lead booker will be the primary and main point of contact regarding bookings for all attendees within their group booking.
15.4 If you are a business, please note that any notice or other communication given by us under or in connection with the contract between us shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand or by pre-paid first-class post or other next working day delivery service at its registered office (if a company) or its principal place of business (in any other case); or sent by email to the address specified your order. Any notice or communication shall be deemed to have been received:
15.4.1 if delivered by hand, on signature of a delivery receipt or at the time the notice is left at the proper address;
15.4.2 if sent by post, the second business day after posting or at the time recorded by a recorded delivery service;
15.4.3 if sent by or email, at the time of transmission, or, if this time falls outside business hours (9.30am to 5.30pm) in the place of receipt, when business hours resume.
15.5 In proving the service of any notice, it will be sufficient to prove, in the case of a letter, that such letter was properly addressed, stamped and placed in the post and, in the case of an email, that such email was sent to the specified email address of the addressee. The provisions of this Clause 15 shall not apply to the service of any proceedings or other documents in any legal action.
16.1 Variation. Revitalise Trust may revise these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Each time you order Tickets from us, the Terms and Conditions in force at that time will apply to the contract between you and us.
16.2 Entire Agreement. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and us. You acknowledge that you have not relied on any statement, promise or representation made or given by or on behalf of us which is not set out in these Terms and Conditions.
16.3 Assignment and Transfer.
16.3.1 We may transfer our rights and obligations under a contract for the purchase of Tickets to another organisation, but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under these Terms and Conditions. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.
16.3.2 You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these Terms and Conditions to another person if we agree in writing with the exception of a transfer in accordance with Clause 5.
16.4 Rights of Third Parties. This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms, whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties Act) 1999 or otherwise.
16.5 Severance. Each of the paragraphs of these Terms and Conditions operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
16.6 Waiver. If we fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a default by you, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any later default by you.
16.7 Governing Law. These Terms and Conditions are governed by English law. The contract for the purchase of Tickets and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims), will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.
16.8 Jurisdiction. We both agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. However, if you are a consumer and resident of Northern Ireland, you may also bring proceedings in Northern Ireland; or if you are a consumer and resident of Scotland, you may also bring proceedings in Scotland.
Golden Ticket Terms and Conditions
Contact Information
Revitalise Trust - Focus Team
5-7 Cromwell Road
London SW7 2HR
focus@ revitalisetrust.org
Tel: +44 (0) 207 7052 0200
11 March 2025