Hire a Motorhome or Caravan

Looking to hire a motorhome or caravan? We have found a list of local suppliers and private owners, who you can contact directly for motorhome and caravan hire. Focus is not affiliated with any of the following companies.
Please note that if you choose to hire a caravan, you are still required to book a caravan pitch with us.

Derbyshire Motorhome Hire
Hire a motorhome from Derbyshire Motorhome Hire.
JMS Motorhomes
Motorhome hire company based in Nottingham.
Astoria Luxury 5 Star RV Motorhome Hire
American style motorhome.
Go Boony
Hire a motorhome from a private owner.
Camplify, Nottinghamshire
Hire a motorhome from a private owner.

Please note that the accommodation listed below is supplied by independent third parties, who are not affiliated with the Revitalise Trust. We do not conduct any due diligence checks in relation to the suppliers, the accommodation or the terms on which the accommodation is supplied and have included the links below based solely on the proximity of the accommodation to the Focus venue. Any booking you make with a third-party supplier is entirely at your own risk. We recommend that before you make a booking, you conduct your own checks to ensure the suitability of the supplier, the accommodation and the booking terms and conditions. We make no representation, warranty or commitment, and shall have no liability, in relation to any booking you make with any such third party.